HVAC Decontamination and HVAC Duct Cleaning
in Duluth, Dunwoody, Smyrna, Brookhaven, Decatur, Cumming, Johns Creek, Buckhead, GA, and Surrounding Areas


HVAC Duct Cleaning and Decontamination

Cleaning And Optimizing

The periodic cleaning of HVAC systems is necessary to ensure delivery of acceptable air to the indoor environment. Cleaning may be required on older systems that have not been properly maintained, damaged systems, or in cases such as following indoor or outdoor construction activities.

Determining the Need for Cleaning

HVAC systems should be cleaned when a visual inspection indicates excessive particulate debris or microbiological growth on any interior surfaces. A fiber optic system or video inspection system is recommended to determine the condition of the system both before and after any cleaning. Obvious problems that require cleaning and restoration would include visible microbiological contamination, significant amounts of particulate debris coming out of supply ducts, or deteriorated fiberglass insulation that was contaminating the supply air. In all cases, the source or cause of particulate contamination or microbiological proliferation must be determined and corrected prior to system cleaning. In general, most HVAC systems should be inspected annually or biannually for cleanliness.

HVAC Duct Cleaning in Cumming GA, Decatur, Duluth GA, Johns Creek